Monitoring that defends your sales and revenue

Increase your average receipt amount up to 25% and raise your service level and customer loyalty through daily checks of your employees' work through video footage — from $ 290 per month. No setup required
a live demo and get a free month
Brilliant for
coffee shops and pizza houses

bakeries and retail store
Our clients
Join more than 150 clients who use our service through their daily activities.

How it works

We manually check the sales clerks' work through video footage. It's like a digital remote secret shopper that checks your business several times daily and provides updated, convenient reports.

What we inspect

  • Corporate salutation and goodbye. Increase positive business perception by 50%. Video footage allows us not only to check sales assistants but also to observe customers' behavior. In Coffee Way, they have become 1.5 times more likely to smile.
  • Additional sales. Additional sales bring up to 25% of revenues.
  • Claim to handle. The ability to handle claims brings 10% of revenues.
  • Collection of contact details (telephones, emails, etc.). Selling among the existing database brings up to 15% of monthly payments to Sushkoff and Del Pesto.
  • Purchase offer. A critical skill for every business is bringing up to 30% of revenues.
  • Any other indicators (corporate uniform, smiling, etc.). With some of our clients, we monitor up to 9 needles.

Example of work results

Pizza's chain
- upsell offer increased twice, which raised the revenues by 15%.
23 Shops with fixed prices
- New negative reviews on the Internet have disappeared
- Queues in shops are gone.
  • Connection in a couple of hours: free.
  • Monthly subscription: from $ 290 per month.
  • Additional Equipment: not required
  • All tariffs provide a chatbot for quick notification of employees and managers.
Free trial and report
We provide all customers with a free trial period, during which we will connect to your cameras, evaluate your employees' work and give a full report.

Start of work

To discuss any issues or
a free demo, contact us via